DIY Skin Care Salve


DIY Skin Care and Salve Cannabis-infused products can help with a multitude of skin issues. Pain, itchiness, acne, eczema and psoriasis and more. But it’s sooooo expensive to buy. What if I told you I can teach you to make a healing skincare product in three simple steps? In the April meeting of the Speakeasy […]


How to Save Money on Cannabis


Cannabis is EXPENSIVE! Crazy expensive really, for a plant. But there are MANY ways to help bring down the costs.


DIY Cannabis Tincture, Sugar + Salt


DIY Cannabis Tincture, Sugar + Salt - Speakeasy Women’s Cannabis Club - Meeting #6   Did I blow your mind with that workshop title? Cannabis SUGAR and SALT??? Yup! And it’s much easier than you can imagine. In fact, once you know how to make the tincture, you can make almost anything cannabis-infused. In the […]

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