The fear of being high from cannabis plagues many of us…
We hear about the benefits of cannabis, but we’re leery of walking around with bloodshot eyes, a stagger to our step, dropping all our cares and sinking into unmotivation.
But it doesn’t have to be that way!
There is a time and place for being high and there are also therapeutic benefits to experiencing a high, BUT if that doesn’t fit your M.O., there are many other options. You can still function at work and home, be able to take care of your responsibilities and be full of motivation while using cannabis. Cannabis may even be a catalyst for these states of well being.
I use a method of dosing called ‘microdosing’. This method helps me find the lowest amount of cannabis needed to obtain the desired results. We start really low and go slow, titrating up until you reach your sweet spot or Minimum Effective Dose (MED).
Your intention also pays a big part in navigating cannabis and how it is working for you.
Want to know how microdosing can be effective for you?