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Navigating Cannabis Products: A Consumer’s Guide

Navigating Cannabis Products: A Consumer’s Guide

In your pursuit of quality Cannabis products, understanding the labels is crucial. Health Canada has implemented standardized labeling to provide consumers with consistent information. Let's delve into what you should look for on Cannabis packages. Deciphering the...

The Legacy of 420 in the Cannabis Culture

The Legacy of 420 in the Cannabis Culture

420 - what does it mean? Why am I talking about it? It all started in the early 70's with a group of 5 teenage boys who would meet up after school to smoke marijuana. They met at a wall by their school at 4:20pm and became known as the "Waldo's". They would say '420'...

Where and How to Access Quality Cannabis Post-Legalization

Where and How to Access Quality Cannabis Post-Legalization

Your Guide to Sourcing Quality Cannabis: Navigating Retail, Medical LPs, and the Legacy Market Since the legalization of Cannabis in October 2018, accessing it has become more convenient and safer. This article explores three viable options for purchasing Cannabis in...

How Does Terese Use Coffee as Medicine?

How Does Terese Use Coffee as Medicine?

Terese has been struggling with one of the symptoms of SIBO and shared what she has discovered makes a big difference!

**Terese’s website is having some issues with not saving new updates. My apologies, the wrong video is featured here. Please go to my YouTube channel to see new video’s: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBiKBvZaWwEEnljLGExHGWAXeWzIWxXJX or @teresebowors

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